

Version 2.0.10
- Fixed Panda Flick and Legionnaire Charge

Version 2.0.9
== General ==

- This patch has brought the first Gold Collection Avatar, Sachi Swiftblade. She will only be available for purchase until Friday, February 4th at 12 PM EST, so act swiftly to be one of the lucky few to own her!
* Gold Collection items are only available for a limited time

- Tweaked the ramps near Kongor on Caldavar to be much wider
- Casual Mode games now automatically start with a courier for each team
- Outpost no longer has Snake Bracelet or Minor Totem in it, now has an Apprentice's Robe

== Shop Improvements ==

- The green border around a component now takes into account your stash.
- An orange border will be displayed around a component if you own it, but it's not in the selected unit's inventory. It will not show up if it's in anyone else's stash, if you can't see it, or if it's held by an enemy.
- "Buy All Components" is now "Buy Remaining", which will purchase only the items without a green or orange border. It'll also buy items going left to right, depth-first, so it can still buy some components even if you can't afford all.
- You can now buy while dead and then sell those items back while still dead
- Added a new icon over the item when it's still in the grace period for 100% sell-back value

- Fixed courier purchase messages showing the wrong player as buying them
- Added more account icons
- A courier will no longer automatically transfer wards to you, unless you bought the wards
- Stunned units can no longer use the Grimm Teleporters
- You can now earn smackdowns/humiliations if a player-owned unit gets the killing blow. These kills are now also counted for nemesis/paybacks.
- Fixed the timer for votes showing the wrong amount of time remaining. It wasn't taking into account time spent paused
- You can no longer concede once the enemy team has conceded

- Fixed the available avatars icon from incorrectly showing if a player does not have access or the ability to purchase any of the avatars for that hero
- Added GetGameTime and GetTotalTime console commands
- Font loading and memory optimizations
* Fonts load about twice as fast now and use about half the memory
- When a user joins the queue and a match has not been established in their MMR bracket/game type/map, the average wait time will display as "??? seconds" instead of "0 seconds"

== Items ==

Blood Chalice
- Now takes a Scarab instead of a Trinket of Restoration
* No longer gives +2 Health Regeneration
* Does not give any Mana Regeneration passively

- Now gives +51 damage instead of +50 as it is a correct sum of its parts

- The spell-block component no longer propagates to Illusions

- Fixed the Mana Burn to correctly do Magic damage instead of True

Sacrificial Stone
- Added +10 damage (from Sustainer)
- Fixed a bug where you could put the stone on a non-hero unit and it wouldn't lose charges
- Fixed it so that the wielder must be a hero in order to get charges added to it

== Heroes ==

- Fixed an anomaly with Nullstone and Boom Dust allowing Bombardier to use Boom Dust when he has 0 charges
- Fixed Sticky Bomb from showing a stun visual when it explodes with 0 charges on it

- Fixed Time Freeze so that the damage won't be lethal to allied units

Corrupted Disciple
- Optimized Corrupted Conduit to use less game resources

- Fixed Dampeer's Bloodthirst dispeling Sage's Lore
- Should no longer lose his essence charge if he dies with Token of Life active

- Cadaver Armor will now gain charges equal to the strength gained (no gameplay change, just a cosmetic bonus)

Flint Beastwood
- Fixed Money Shot so that it always plays the sound when it should
* Fixes an issue where the sound would play even if the target did not die
- Fixed alternate avatar from saying gibberish each time he procs his Hollowpoint Shells
- Fixed his Hollowpoint Shells from killing allied heroes

Forsaken Archer
- Fixed Forsaken Archers' skeletons not attacking your target if you issue an attack order from far away & decide to activate skeletons early on
- Fixed Forsaken Archer's skeleton timer from displaying wrong time values when you summon a bunch of skeletons by toggling Call of the Damned quickly

- Infernal Instability is no longer dispellable

- Added disjoint to Showdown (I Have No Patience) upon returning the target
- Fixed Pitfall sound effect glitches
- Made the state that deals damage to you after the Call to Arms visible so you know what is damaging you

- Resized his alt avatar
- Fixed his Tsunami Charge so it will no longer dispel other stuns on the enemies
- Fixed his Release the Kraken! effect playing 1 second too long

- Fixed Terrifying Charge from canceling when a unit is on the edge of fog (again)
- Fixed Terrifying Charge so it can be blocked by Moraxus
- Decapitate cast effect type changed from Physical to SuperiorMagic
* This means it can now be cast on Physical Immune as well as Magic Immune units

- Fixed his sword stance not playing his idle animation when you go back to regular sword stance
- Fixed Maliken's colors when using sword modes

- Fixing his Magic Carp from proccing events like Corrupted Disciple's Static Discharge more than once

- Fixed Flick to not work on invulnerable units
* Also fixed Flick to properly trigger Moraxus Arcane Shield

- Fixed Wrath of the Pharaoh being able to hit a unit behind him when he casts it.
- Tweaked how Wrath of the Pharaoh works with Staff of the Master. Added a new fifth ability to swap between the versions

- Fixed Venomous Leap so you can correctly disjoint it

Sand Wraith
- Properly fixed Mirage so there won't be a cooldown on Manifest right after you cast Mirage
- Implemented a visual timer on Mirage to let Sand Wraith users know how long Manifest is going to be available

Soul Reaper
- Fixed Demonic Execution so that it always plays the sound when it should
* Fixes an issue where the sound would play even if the target did not die

- No longer gains souls from killing gadgets

- Fixed Mesmerize so the first damage tick happens correctly

- Credits to [S2]ElementUser for the majority of the gameplay bug fixes.

- Fixed building attack and building destroyed announcer messages

Version 2.0.8
- Units in the fog of war will no longer block pathing
* This means that if you are clicking to move through a juke spot and an enemy is in the fog, blocking that path, your hero will still attempt to follow that path until you see the enemy hero, rather than run around the long way
* This includes stuff like fissure or other movement blocking gadgets

- New Kraken alternate avatar: Crustacean Kraken
- Added new account icons
- Moved the concede and pause options slightly
- Added a confirmation box when you call a concede vote
- Removed snow from Caldavar

- Players can now right click the "Auto-Connect" checkbox to remove all chat rooms from their auto join list
* Doing so will also leave each auto join channel they are currently in
- Fixed the UI acting like spectators could vote on remaking
- Fixed spectators being able to vote on kick votes
- Each team now has a 5 second cooldown between any vote call
- Any global votes fail immediately if enough people vote NO
- Players will now automatically be placed in a group channel when they do team matchmaking
- When a player joins a group the group channel will automatically have channel focus
- Fixed the editor deleting the /resources/ folder inside of a map archive when you save
- Fixed a crash after playing 2+ games in a row
- Fixed a crash within the hero compendium

Geometer's Bane
- Recipe cost increased from 500 to 1200
- Now "Order Disjoints" when used
* This means someone who queues up a spell or attack on the user has that order canceled when it is used

- Boom dust ranged decreased from 600 to 500
- Boom dust damage scaling from 40/60/80/100 to 25/50/75/100

- Terrorize cooldown increased from 8s to 10s
- Vampiric Flight cooldown increased from 20/16/12/8 to 22/18/14/10

- Lightning Rod area of effect reduced from 1000 to 800

- Vision on wards reduced from 1400 to 300

Voodoo Jester
- Base damage decreased from 51-61 to 46-56

- Gust now has a 0.1 second ministun

Version 2.0.7
- Fixed AFK kick vote
- Kick votes now have the proper cooldown
- Fixed the yellow 'time left' bar over all other units appearing

- Fixed a minor exploit with the RAP form

- Fixed Reconnection issues
* Reconnection was not always working, this fix should get it off the failboat

- Fixed Helga Hammerstorm icon

Version 2.0.6
- Added a new Alt Avatar for Gladiator: Adventure Gladiator
- Added a new Alt Avatar for Hammerstorm: Helga Hammerstorm

- Based on player feedback and data from the last month of matches significant improvements to the MM algorithm have been made which should result in matches being much more balanced
- Groups waiting more than a few minutes in the queue should now find themselves being placed into a fair match much sooner than previously
* This also includes groups with very high or very low MMR that were having to wait much longer than the average queue times

- Added more icons and another bundle
- Vote kick has been re-added to the game
* A kick vote against someone can only be called once every 3 minutes
- Concede now only requires 4/5 "Yes" votes after 30 minutes instead of normal 5/5
- Fixed a bunch of console errors
- Fixed an issue on the hero selection screen for the Hellbourne team
* Part of the UI was overlapping the hero selected circle and causing issues
- Can now click store item icons to view bundle/avatar/announcer preview windows
- Add Romanian language to system bar language selection combobox
- Tweak to progression interface to display 4-digit cumulative stats
- Added a "Back" button [back to player stats] for match stats panel when clicking to view another player's stats for a particular match
- Fixed the AFK kick vote to indicate that it is team only

- Items in the shop now show their total cost by default
* To see just the recipe cost, hold down control with the shop open
- Wards now have a 'Timer' bar above them that shows how much time is left at a glance
- Fixed a bug where Striders could get charges while on cooldown
- Re-recorded Gladiator's voice

Version 2.0.5
- Added new Alt Avatar for Arachna
- Added new Flags, Icons, and Bundles
- Fixed up Chipper recommended items
- "Ownage" now only plays on the fifth team kill streak, not all kills five or greater

- Fixed weather effects stopping when joining a new game
- Fied Alt Avatars being selected during hero loading
- Fixed a crash when someone selected an invalid Alt Avatar
- The Wards stat is now Wards Places instead of Wards Bought
- Players attempting to join matchmaking groups that are already queued for a match will now be stopped from doing so with an appropriate message and popup
- The chat server should now throttle repeated matchmaking invites sent from players trying to spam invites

Disjointing improvements:
- All orders can now be disjointed (e.g. right clicking to attack a hero that then blinks will cancel your attack order)
- Attacks will now get canceled mid-attack if the target disjoints
- Spells will now get canceled mid-cast if the target disjoints
- Channeled spells will now get canceled if the target disjoints

- Now begins to lose charges when you are within 900 units of a visible enemy hero
* The max number of charges is lowered by 1 for every 100 units closer you are to an enemy hero

- Fixed some abilities playing through fog
- No longer invulnerable when charging at someone

- Fixed the no damage charge bug

Keeper of the Forest
- Stealth is now removed when the attack completes, not when it starts

Version 2.0.4
- Added a new Hero, Dampeer
- Added a new Alt Avatar for Dampeer in the store: Vacation Dampeer!
- Added a new Alt Avatar for Flint Beastwood in the store: Captain Flint!

- Added new account icons to the Store
- Added more flags upon request to the store
- Added new Icons for the minimap

- Added a new "Terror" overhead icon for When you are feared
- Improved feedback in Matchmaking for leavers
* This now tells you how many games you need to play to be a non-leaver
- Romanian string table update
- Fixed crash if you used the mousewheel over a playerlist in a chat channel without clicking, and then hit Up
- Fixed a drawSelectedPath crash
- Fixed any attempts to auto-follow into matchmaking games
- Fix to prevent alt avatars from being selected during hero loading
- Fixed Neutrals aggro and added a ZZz effect over their heads when they are asleep

- Added Spellshards as recommended items to some heroes
- Fixed Geometer's Bane to correctly remove the "Attack this hero!" indicator when used

- Fixed Maliken's weird textures with sword mode on
- Fixed Legionnaire's Charge so it doesn't cancel when you use it on someone on the edge of fog
- Fixed Rampage's Charge so it doesn't cancel when you use it on someone on the edge of fog
- Fixed Night Hound's Pounce so it always does the bonus damage
- Fixed up the weird interactions with Pharaoh mummy and other heroes. You could get pushed and pulled from weird angles and this fixes that
* Also makes the circle around him of mummies slightly more circular
- Fixed Bubbles and Gladiator's abilities with timers so they reset to 0 correctly if you use the ability early
- Fixed Soul Reaper's Judgment, it was hitting siege units before

Version 2.0.3
- Added more Winter/Christmas stuff, including a new courier and three free new Alt Avatars in the store!

- Maliken, Keeper of the Forest, and Deadwood now have alt avatars in the store that cost 0 coins. Merry Christmas!
- Fixed some matchmaking bugs
- Fixed some UI bugs with the minimap and RAP
* This should fix the FPS issues players have been having
- Added some new icons and country flags that were missing
- Fixed gold report's GPM calculations (this the popup you get when you hover over your gold)
- Fixed Ophelia's targeting with Judgment
- Fixed Nymphora and her ultimate on Grimm's
- Fixed a few spots on Caldavar you could get perma stuck
- Fixed Pollywog's alt shooting lightning from the wrong hand

Version 2.0.2
- Fixing up a music track
- Tweaked and fixed some UI issues

Version 2.0.1
- Winter Maliken and Kongor!
- Added snow and snow trees to Caldavar for Christmas
- Editor Load Map division by 0 fix
- Fixing Night Hound's Alt Avatar display name in the Vault
- Nemesis/Payback now only count on direct kills, not assists
- Hooked up "mystery hero" icon for blind picking in SD
- Fixed music streaming when there is a Unicode character in the path
- Fixed interaction with the alt-clicking buildings/heroes and Attack-Moving and other actions
- Updated weather effects
- Updated several effects and sounds

- Can no longer teleport herself back to base like lawls

- Wards will no longer be able to hovered over on the minimap

- Fixed public games list being empty
- Cleaned up the 'First Time Purchase' window to clearly show the bonus
- "/weather rain" should now always start the rain effect
- After a match starts, the game music starts playing immediately after hero loading
- Remove the "Voting/etc has moved" box when you hit F6
- Fixing Blacksmith's Account Icon name
- Fix for the unexpected interaction between pathing and holding Alt

These changes were in 2.0.0, just were not in the changelog:

- Base strength increased from 17 to 20
- Master's Incantation cooldown from 3/2/1/0 to 2/1/0/0

Version 2.0.0
== Team Matchmaking ==

- Find matches faster! Boasting arranged-team or solo play, this innovative and intuitive feature increases the efficiency of game creation by automatically gathering player statistics from a variety of group sizes, formulating teams, then matching those teams in as fair a manner as possible. With the ability to customize game mode, region, and map preferences, as well as group up with players on or off your friends list, the new Matchmaking will not only make it much faster to find a game of HoN, but also maximize the fairness and quality of the match.
- Playing Matchmaking rewards you with valuable Goblin Coins! Check out the new end-game scorescreen function after a Matchmaking game.
- Matchmaking will be disabled initially, we'll enable it when we're ready to begin public testing on it this week. Once enabled, expect it to have cycles of going up and down as we gather data, iterate, improve the algorithms, and fix any bugs.

== Cosmetic Store ==

- With goblin coin currency, which can be earned or bought, players can purchase in-game brag-worthy cosmetic upgrades. The micro-transaction based store, controlled by Merrick the goblin shopkeeper, lets players customize their experience without affecting game play or allowing the purchases to change the level of competition.

- Cosmetic upgrades include:
* Alternate hero avatars
* Taunt
* Account icons
* Alternate announcer packs
* Name color options.
* Account Symbols

== New 3v3 Map: Grimm's Crossing ==

- A new action-packed and exciting map that includes a two-way teleporter in the middle area, allowing for more innovative fighting strategies and tactics. Grimm's Crossing is a battlefield for the bloodthirsty. The terrain favors the cunning and aggressive, as hidden paths within the trees can provide a quick way to rout unsuspecting enemies. There is precious little territory to be contested over; battles are won and lost at frantic paces, often beginning and ending unexpectedly.

- Features of the new map:
* 2 lanes that are very close together
* Only one set of towers outside of each base
* Small, tightly packed map
* Neutral creeps spawn only in the middle section of the map
* No elevation at entrances into bases
* 1 rune spawn location in the center
* Towers' armor scales with number of players alive; Buildings have 100% of armor when all are alive, scaling to 0 armor when your entire team is dead. This is active if with both Casual and Normal mode on this map.
* Twin teleporters for quick transit and fun surprises
* It's a winter wonderland! Try the snow weather on this map!

== New Game Mode: Casual Mode ==

- This entirely new mode of play will provide new HoN players and casual gamers with a more “fun,” less punishing way to learn and play HoN. Elements in Casual Mode speed up progression and increase rewards in ways that remain true to the game's core identity, delivering a version that can be embraced by new and veteran players alike.

- Changes from Normal Mode to Casual Mode are as follows
* Exp range from 1000 to 1300
* Removed gold loss on death
* Increased hero bounty
** Hero base gold bounty: from 200 to 300
** Hero gold bounty per level: from 5 to 10
* First blood bonus: from 200 to 300
* Gold bounty per streak: from 50 to 75
* Hero assist gold totals 50% of kill amount, split between all assisters
* Radius assist gold base: from 30 to 0
* Radius assist gold per level: from 5 to 0
* Respawn time per level from 4 seconds to 3 seconds
* Denies no longer deny experience
* Uphill miss chance removed
* Creeps give 1.25x of average normal mode value, no gold fluctuation
* Buildings give 1.5x of average normal mode value, no gold fluctuation
* Towers give global experience when killed, even to dead people, (by tower level): 150,200,250,300
* Tower last hit gold bounty: from 470,520,570,620 to 300,350,400,450
* Tower Team gold bounty: from 200,240,280,320 to 300,350,400,450
* The amount of experience required to reach the next level increases as the game goes on. This means that at the beginning, players level up a lot faster than in Normal Mode, but in the mid and late game they level up at about the same rate as in Normal Mode.
* Buyback costs are at 1.75x normal mode values
* Towers' armor scales with number of players alive; Buildings have 100% of armor when all are alive, scaling to 0 armor when your entire team is dead.

== New Interface Features ==

- We have revamped the in-game interface to be more dynamic, informative, and efficient.

- Enhancements include:
* Advanced mini-map interaction. Try hovering over heroes, buildings, or wards!
* Pull down tabs in the upper right for intuitive access to vote functions and game options
* Graphic kill messages for feedback when you net a kill in the upper left.
* A gold counter to see the breakdown of your gold earnings from different sources. Hover your mouse over your gold count to see the exact breakdown!
* Experience range indicators to mark enemies within the experience gain range. You will notice a small purple diamond next a creep's health bar when you are in range and a purple diamond effect will play when they die if you got experience.
* Context-sensitive pings to highlight the object and send out alert messages to allies. Try Alt+Clicking an ally, enemy, or building.
* A hover-over inventory to allow for quicker inventory feedback on allies and enemies. Hover over an enemy to quickly see their inventory.

== BETA Map Editor ==

- With the exact same tool that we used to make HoN, users can now create and edit maps for enhanced single-player experiences. Users who are inspired to create multi-player maps can submit their map designs to the HoN DREAM website for potential inclusion in HoN. Also, in conjunction with scripting manipulation, players can create their own custom modes.
- This is still a BETA version of the Map Editor, and as such still has features to be added, polish to be done, and bugs to be fixed. Keep this in mind!
- To open the editor, use the editor.bat file in your HoN directory or re-install the game and it will automatically add a shortcut to your start menu as well

== Weather Effects ==

- A storm has arrived on Newerth with HoN 2.0 and it shows! Change the weather of the map you are in at any time through the Options menu and feel free to sing in the rain.
- Players can set their preferred weather effect in the interface options or with a chat command. Right now we support "Rain" and "Snow". The default is "Off".

- Chat commands are as follows:
* /weather
* /weather None
* /weather Rain
* /weather Snow

- We included a text file with instructions on how to make your own weather effects in the HoN directory

== New Item: Spellshards ==

- It's time for the magic users of Newerth to show their true power! With Spellshards, they can pierce the defenses of the enemy and burn them to a crisp that much faster.
- The wielder's spells ignore a portion of their enemy's magic armor, causing increased magic damage.
- After obtaining this item, the recipe may be re-purchased to upgrade it. Can be upgraded two additional times.
- Components: Great Arcana (1675) + Recipe (1000)

- Stats:
* 6 Intelligence
* 17 Damage
* 10 Attack Speed
* 3/6/9% Cooldown Reduction
* 75% Mana Regeneration
* Causes any Magic damage you deal to ignore 2/4/6 of your target's Magic Armor. This effect can never cause their magic armor to go below 0.

- Note: The item "Trophy Belt" did not make it into this patch.

== Nemesis and Payback ==

- Beat down an opponent hard enough and you will become their Nemesis! Be careful, though, for payback is sweet revenge.
- A 'Nemesis' against an opponent is gained when you kill them 4 times in a row without them killing or assisting in a kill against you.
- A 'Payback' is given when you kill or help kill your Nemesis.

== New Music ==

- Newerth's citizens, every now and then, take the time away from the battlefield to learn new musical scores. They have brought us six new songs to encourage us in battle!

- New songs:
* The Missing Rune
* Hope
* From The Depths They Rose
* The Chase
* Overrun Lane
* Kongor's Lair

- Each map now has a custom music soundtrack that plays songs in a pre-determined order.

- In addition, several music related bugs were fixed:
* Fixed music looping
* Fixed playlist looping
* Fixed music fade-out/fade-in
* When a music track is stopped, it defaults to fading out
* Music is now streamed rather than loaded upfront. This fixes an issue where lower-end computers would randomly hitch when the music switched.
* When a music track ends, its memory is now freed

== Other Features ==

- BP bans increased from 3 to 4
- Single draft now has blind pick, meaning you won't see the other team's hero picks during hero selection
- Banning draft will now switch bans immediately
- Mid-bar completely redone for HoN 2.0
- Streak stats are no longer recorded for public games
- Fixes for Caldavar so the creeps won't start in tower range in bottom lane and the middle lane will be more even

== General ==

- Fixed GPM calculations. Gold that wasn't counted in GPM before:
* Passive
* First blood bounty
* Assists
* Radius bounty
* Was counting how much a player should have lost on death, rather than what he actually lost if he didn't have enough gold

- Fixed a spot you can hit Kongor from outside of his pit
- You can now also "buy all components" for items without components and it'll just buy the individual item.
- Swapping the minimap to right side now also swaps the location of attack modifiers
- Added sounds to the pause/unpause countdown
- You can no longer transfer items from your stash onto units that can't carry items
- Toggling mute on a player no longer /ignores them
- Tweaked effects, voices, and animations of several heroes
- A code tweak that will increase load time for computers with limited amount of virtual memory, but should help alleviate crashes due to running out of virtual memory (32 bit Vista and 7)
- Gold will now max at 65535 instead of looping back to 0
- Sped up Frostwolf Skull projectile to 1500 (medium speed based on high and low ranges)

- Fixed up a lot of the stringtables
- Fixed some divide by zero errors
- Shrunk some giant textures
- Custom Game renamed to Public Game
- Fixed some map textures
- Fixed follow coloring to update when first displayed
- Fixed a crash when viewing match stats containing a null player slot
- Added a unit voice delay slider to the options panel. Credit to Bangerz for the initial implementation.
- Follow is now removed when removing buddy
- Fixed model quality change crash
- Fixed Tournament Mode not working on linux client
- Replay_autoSkipPause cvar for auto skipping pauses in replays
- Deleted un-used voice commands

== Bugfixes ==

- Previously, if a courier dropped an upgradeable item on you when you had a full inventory, including a recipe for that item, the recipe would be consumed but the item wouldn't upgrade. Fixed.
- Fixed a Bombardier Boom Dust bug relating to casting it from long ranges resulting in quirky behavior
- Chipper ult won't draw on the minimap anymore
- Fayde's Burning Shadows now give small clearvision
- Legionnaire's ult damage when he doesn't kill now correctly does Magic damage (was a script error)
- Pharaoh's Wall of Mummies will now grab people correctly to the middle
- Tempest's Glacial Blasts won't stun magic immune units or invulnerable units anymore
- Fixed Arachna's ult still spawning if the target dies first
- Thunderbringer's ult won't hit illusions anymore
- Vindicator's illusions won't steal int from him anymore and will get the +2 int popup so it's not obvious who the real one is
- Blacksmith can now hit himself with Frenzy when it multicasts on another target
- Gladiator's ult won't wonk out anymore if he casts it while frozen and can't turn
- Gauntlet's fist won't wonk out anymore if he casts it while frozen and can't turn
- Fixed the manacost of Defiler's Silence to match the tooltip correctly
- Fixed Thunderclaw and Charged Hammer so they won't go off on denies
- Added double activate to Blood Hunter Blood Crazy
- Added double activate to Succubus Mesmerize
- Made Succubus ult undispellable
- Made Tablet of Command unbind it's target
- Warbeast's Wolves won't take the craters they come out of with them anymore

== Neutrals ==

- Neutrals now sleep at night
* They have zero aggro range at night and normal aggro range in the day

Minotaur Neutral Creep:
- Fixed a damage/stun event to fix Bubbles wasting Take Cover autocast

== Heroes ==

- Fixed some effects playing through fog:
* Gladiator Pitfall
* Moraxus Stomp
* Bubbles' teleport-to-Shell-Surf "water splash"
* Bubbles' Song of the Sea

- Fixed his illusions from eating creeps

- Fixed his ult from drawing on the minimap like silliness

- Fixed a damage/stun event to fix Bubbles wasting Take Cover autocast

Doctor Repulsor
- Fixed missing tooltip info

- Fixed a damage/stun event to fix Bubbles wasting Take Cover autocast

- Turret now shoots twice as fast and the cap of number of hits removed.
* Damage per bullet starts at 40 and is lowered by 10% for every bullet that hits you
* The push starts at the same it was, but gets weaker the more you are hit
* Snare is still max of 35% from 10 hits

- Fixed a damage/stun event to fix Bubbles wasting Take Cover autocast

- Fixed a damage/stun event to fix Bubbles wasting Take Cover autocast
- Added a glow to the whip

- Fixed a typo in his ult damage (was doing 300, should be 350) if you missed with it

- Re-exported and cleaned up voice

- Axes damage from 80/100/120/140 to 60/80/100/120

- New sounds
- Fixed infinite life weed field
- Fixed a bug that caused him to have a projectile with Frostwolf Skull even in melee form
- Fixed a permanent vision bug

- Pod is now 250 AOE, 1 second delay, and 60/120/180/240 Damage/Heal. Used to be 325 AOE, 2.5 second delay, 90/180/270/360 Damage/Heal.

- Fixed a damage/stun event to fix Bubbles wasting Take Cover autocast

Sand Wraith
- Fixed an issue with Dissipate that let him get some long range damage
- Fixed a bug with the ult that reset the cooldown to the max length incorrectly when Mirage was used
- Fixed the illusions incorrectly giving vision the whole duration of the ult instead of just while they are alive

Soul Reaper
- Fixed him getting mana from hero kills correctly

- Fixed a damage/stun event to fix Bubbles wasting Take Cover autocast
- Fixed heroes ulted by her not doing their idle animation after it ends

- Fixed his charge and interaction with Moraxus' Shield

- Fixed a bug that caused him to have a projectile with Frostwolf Skull even in melee form

== Console Commands / UI Commands ==

* This section is mainly for modders

- StopMusic(true) will now fade out the current music track
* StopMusic() will still stop it instantly

- New console command 'MusicInfo'
* Displays the name of current track, length of current track, and position within current track

- New console command 'MusicSeek'
* Allows you to jump to a specific time index within the current music track
* The argument can be in 'mm:ss' format, for example 01:30, or in seconds, for example 90
* If the argument begins with '-' then it represents a time offset from the end of the track (for example -10 would seek to 10 seconds from the end of the current track)

- New console command 'PlaylistStart'
* Begins playing the specified tracks in order. Example: PlaylistStart music/track_01.mp3 music/track_02.mp3 music/track_03.mp3

- New console command 'PlaylistClear'
* Clears the current playlist

- New console command 'PlaylistNext'
* Plays the next track in the playlist
** Fades out the current music track and fades in the next music track

- New console command 'PlaylistInfo'
* Displays information about the current active playlist, including number of tracks, name of each track, and which track is currently active

- Fixed Myrmidon effects

Version 1.0.21
------------- - Added a new Legion Intelligence hero: Myrmidon!

- All Wards are now sold for 100g in stacks of 1
- Plated Greaves: recipe removed
- Andromeda: Aurora dubuff duration from 20s to 14/16/18/20s
- Succubus: Heartache cooldown from 20s to 15s
- Rampage: Chains that Bind no longer disarm Rampage during the duration

Version 1.0.20
- Added a new strength hero: Moraxus!
- Updated the Caldavar map with significant changes to the bases and area right outside of them
- Assist Gold Reworked
* Instead, half of the total bounty awarded for the hero kill is then divded evenly amongst all assisters on the kill
* The player who gets the kill receives the same amount of gold. Overall this is an increase in gold received for assisting on a kill, however you must actively partake in earning the assist (dealing damage, debuffing, etc) rather than just being nearby
* You still receive gold for simply being in the proximity of an enemy hero kill

- Fixed up a bunch of stringtables
- Delay before the other team can unpause lowered from 60s to 30s
- Disabled voice responses for a lot of abilities that have custom sounds
- New Immortal sound

- Spawn order changed so next unit tabs to Puzzlebox Wizard when Hero + summons grouped together
- Puzzlebox Mauler's passives moved to slots 2/3/4 so that player can easily distinguish Wizard from Mauler
- Fixed Puzzlebox Wizard's Manaburn incorrectly burning 275 instead of 225 at lvl 3
- Manaburn popup is now above target instead of Wizard
- Tooltips redone/fixed

Version 1.0.19
- Fixed Arachna
- Fixed Bombardier's Air Strike! not working with Staff of the Master
- Kraken Ultimate from 90/80/70 to 110/100/90 second cooldown
- Reverted the change to Sand Wraith due to a technical issue
- Bottle now loses ownership when it is dropped from a Courier death

- Missing from 1.0.18 changelog:
* Tutorial re-voiced by Ms Pudding
* Tablet of Command recipe changed to include an Apprentice's Robe instead of a Major Totem. Now gives +16 int and 10 damage

Version 1.0.18

General / Bugfixes

- Removed Halloween effects
- Fixed some water effect problems with Rampage
- Fixed Nighthound's attackscheme when he is in cloud so it functions correctly.
- Corrected Valkyrie's Javelin speed from 837 to 857.14
- Andromeda's Void Rip will now disjoint her as well as her target on use
- Bubbles' Take Cover will now properly trigger from invulnerable sources of damage
- Bubbles' Kelp Field will now properly stun invulnerable units that move out of the radius (Magmus Lava Surge, for example)
- Bugfix for Ophelia's Judgment so it unbinds the target when they are teleported
- Ophelia's Judgment can no longer be cast on allied lane creeps
- Fixed an old bug with Ophelia that lets her perma-block a neutral creep spawn with illusions
- Wildsoul Bear's Root will now correctly last 9 seconds on non-hero units
- Witch Slayer's Power Drain will now instantly kill illusions on use
- Fixed Bombardier's Boom Dust so it is correctly blocked by Null Stone
- Correctly unbind the targets of Nymphora's Teleport
- Nymphora's Teleport now picks the closest targets to her, not random ones
- Puppetmaster's Puppet Show now silences as well (This is a bugfix for weird situations it can cause)
- Pharaoh's Soul will again reveal around itself while in flight properly
- Pharaoh's Wrath of the Pharaoh is now a Superior Magic instead of Superior Physical touch to fix some issues. No gameplay change.
- Bugfix for Kraken's charge warping people around
- Thunderbringer's Bolt's reveal is now clearvision
- Fix for Pestilence's Swarm so you can't lose vision on someone in odd situations
- Fixed Dark Lady's Dark Blades so they silence Bubbles correctly when he has Autocast on
- Tundra's Coeurl now has the correct backswing (from 800 to 1000)
- Fixed Tempest's Glacial Blasts from doing 2x damage on the first blast
- Fixed Forsaken Archer's Skeletons so they won't stand around like dorks if she is attacking from max range
- Fixed some effects from playing through the fog


- Added courier sounds and some effects
- Mana Potion, Health Potion, Wards, and Runes of the Blight now lose ownership when dropped from a courier death
* This means that if you kill an enemy courier that is carrying wards, you can now use those wards as if you bought them

Ring of Sorcery
- Recipe lowered from 525 to 200

- They now lose charges if you are within 600 units of a visible enemy hero at the same rate they gained them. You begin to gain the charges back as soon as you run away from the enemy.


- Fire Shield cast range from 350 to 450

- Buff Quills projectile flight speed from 900 to 2700

- Boom Dust cast range reduced from 700 to 600
- Ultimate no longer has a long delay before the bombs drop
- Pick sound corrected

Blood Hunter
- Blood Crazy from unremovable debuff to removable on enemies, debuff is a "buff" on allies

- Chipper's stacking DOT from rocket+tar is now 15/20/25/30 per charge (Down from 20/30/40/50, which was nuts)

Flint Beastwood
- DoT to smooth damage over the 2 seconds instead of 2 ticks

- Terrifying Charge CD from 30 static to 30/26/22/18

- Tsunami Charge touch radius from 60 to 80
- Splash CD from 8 secs to 11/10/9/8 seconds, damage type changed from magic to physical

Sand Wraith
-Any valid enemy target hit by the initial sand projectile will leave a sand trail behind them!

Voodoo Jester - Mana Cost on Mojo from 95/105/115/125 to 110/120/130/140
Version 1.0.16
- Fix to quick stats
- Candles now fade to smaller versions when in a lobby so they don't block any buttons
- Fix to allow clan tags with a length greater than 3.

- Added recommended items
- Fixed a hitch in bombardier's portrait animation
- Fixed Boom Dust not crediting the damage to Bombardier correctly sometimes
- Fixed Boom Dust so the graphics update correctly as you slowly apply charges to someone and they expire
- Fixed Boom Dust exploding from DOTs when put on an ally

Keeper of the Forest
- Updated Root effect so it's less nonsense and more pumpkin

- Fixed the aura not turning off when he dies

Version 1.0.15

== General ==

- Halloween on Newerth has arrived...

- New lobby with expanded hero slots.
- Quick stats favorite hero % will now display correctly for accounts with over 32,000 seconds played on that hero
- Added EM % to quickstats
- Fix for that infinite life infinite spawn simpleemitter particle on the background effect
- Fixed almost all of the tooltip bugs and errors thanks to ElementUser
- Removed the "All Heroes" option
* All games are now "All Heroes" by default
- The "selected" buff icons no longer incorrectly pop / blink
- Fixed Bloodlust gold reward from not being logged correctly
- Updated French stringtables for the tutorial, courtesy of QualQuek, Bass, Jelucyr, Tyr00, Neuroleptik.
- Normalized the building gold and Kongor kill gold
- Hid some states that should not have been shown

== Neutrals ==

- Added some new effects to the neutrals who have abilities


- Kongor now has a larger health bar
- Kongor now has 75% Magic reduction
- Kongor base armor lowered from 3.5 to 3
- Kongor attack range increased from 100 to 128
- Added effects and partial tweaks to his stomp

== Items ==

- Crow Ferrying now refills to 2/3 instead of full

- Fixed it to be a proper sum of its part
* From 11 Damage to 12 Damage
* From 15 Attack Speed to 25 Attack Speed

Logger's Hatchet
- No longer works on Kongor

Mana Battery
- AoE radius from 1600 to 1200
- Health gain from 12 to 10 per charge
- Cost from 210 to 200

Power Supply
- AoE radius from 1600 to 1200
- Health gain from 15 to 10 per charge
- Cost from 290 to 240

Ghost Marchers
- No longer let you move through Pollywog Priest's Voodoo Wards

== Heroes ==

- New Legion Int hero, Bombardier
- Tagged a lot of hero abilities so they will only play the custom voice response instead of two overlapping ones
- Added new debuff states for Swiftblade's Blade Frenzy, Magmus' Steam Bath, and Tempest's Meteor so players know when they are taking damage and when they are not

- Correctly hid her stunned state
- Base agility from 27 to 26
- Str gain from 2.3 to 2.1
- Dimensional link aura radius from 900 to 800
- Aurora AoE from 300 to 275, damage from 25/50/75/100 to 40/65/90/115

Blood Hunter
- Fixed him gaining health from illusions

- Shell Surf now disjoints

- TarToss
* Cooldown from 25/20/15/10 to 18/15/12/9
* Cast action time from 0.25 to 0
- Sawblade Showdown
* Initial damage increased from 100/200/300 to 200/300/400
* Fixed bug that placed a lingering DoT on enemies who ran through the saws quickly which artifically increased its damage
* Can not take the initial damage again for 2s after leaving the saws even if you re-enter them

Corrupted Disciple
- No longer can get an infinite damage boost in certain situations

Dark Lady
- Dark Blades' damage increase lowered from 50/70/90/110% to 50/60/70/80%
- Taint Soul cast range from 1200 to 800/900/1000/1100

- Fixed up Willowmaker's tooltip to list duration of debuffs

- Maximum health gained from devouring from 100/150/200 to 75/125/175 per charge
- Fixed tooltip on Devour to display correct duration of charges (7s per charge, incorrectly listed 10s)

- Electrician cooldown on Electric Shield from 2 secs to 0.5 secs
- Cleansing Shock SotM effect changed: instead of bouncing, it purges target and yourself at the same time
- Cleansed now loses its movespeed bonus smoothly over the whole duration
- Purge damage on summoned units is now pure instead of magical

- Fixed Burning Shadows so it does not reveal enemies hit for a longer time than intended

Flint Beastwood
- His Flare effect will no longer play in the fog
- Fixing a bug causing him to say several different voice responses when using Flare

- Fixed Grapple hit detection while right next to someone

- Removed the attack, replaced with a slow aura with 7/14/21/28% 300 radius AOE slow

- Projectile speed of Torrent increased from 1000 to 1250

- Terrifying Charge
* Damage is now instant instead of through an attack
* The increased movespeed is kept for an additional second
- Decapitate range increased from 150 to 175

- Allied units will no longer 'block' the casting of Lava Surge

- Remove silence off Flick, made it a stun instead

- Increased casting speed of Puppet Show and Voodoo Puppet
* Cast action time lowered from 500ms to 300ms

- Will no longer gain charges if he dies and an attack is in midair that kills something

- Shiver is no longer Magic Immune, but is now Splash Immune

- No longer applies his silence aura to enemy heroes he cannot see

- Mojo can now be double activated to cast on self

Version 1.0.14

== General ==

- Updated effects for the Vagabond neutrals
- Added Australia region filter to public games and create game interfaces
- Fixed Kongor slain sound anytime Kongor is killed (Only a problem on some systems)
- Quick Stats bad baseline fix.
- Fix quick stats always saying "Player's First Game" on Mac/Linux clients
- When a killstreak of 11 thru 14 is ended, the game now properly displays "X has ended Y's BLOODBATH streak", not "X has ended Y's IMMORTAL streak"
- Fix for the restore button disappearing on the replay scoreboard (the entire scoreboard was moving off screen) when a player is terminated

== Heroes ==

- Fixerd him not gaining strength from killing a hero. Logic failure.

- Fixed not being able to teleport into your own base

- Fixed Hellbourne Main Building bounds so Tsunami Charge doesn't just go through it
- Fixed Tsunami Charge doing too much damage
- Tsunami Charge no longer brings Invulnerable units along with him
- Splash no longer propagates to illusions

- All non-cleave splash damage will now wake up someone slept by Mesmerize

- Fix to deadwood's stringtables

Version 1.0.13
== General ==

- Darkwood Vale is now a 4v4 map
- Kill streaks of 15 or more now play the "IMMORTAL!" announcer sound / message
- Taunt effect is now more intense and shiny for the first few seconds
- Heroes will now fully turn toward their final goal even when pathing into deeply blocked areas
- Max possible charges are now ~16,000 (Fixes several issues)
- Change default lag threshold to 1000 ms from 500 ms
- Clients no longer precache the voice responses of enemy heroes
- Muting a player will /ignore that player, and unmuting will /unignore.
- Fixes the white icons when someone randoms. The random now happens before the load, not after
- Updated visual effects for some neutrals' skills
- A teammate right clicking on a shop with the courier will open there own shop window now
- Added watery grass to show where fog is blocked yet you can run through
- Added global announcer sounds anytime Kongor is slain
- New Effects for minotaur, catman, and vagabond leader
- Update Frostburn tooltip to show max of 3 charges, instead of 5
- Updated effects and sounds for several items like Blood Chalice, Puzzlebox, and Striders
- Updated sounds to several heroes

- Fix some loading bar funkiness
- Fixed game hosts not being able to assign players from Hellbourne to Legion side when right clicking their portrait. Credit to Bangerz for this fix
- Fixed the quick stats

- K:D ratio now displays two digits after the decimal (for example K:D will be "1.58" instead of "1.6")
- Fixed client not handling valid clan name tags that are 4 chars long
- Fix for a few of the public game filters (mode, num players, map name, server type) to correctly save their settings. Credit to Bangerz for this fix
- Fixes for Full Game, Advanced Game Option, and Advanced Game Mode Filters
- Fixed a potential crash on the chat server that occured when a user was not able to be resolved during a clan invite
- Cleaned up some of the error messages to properly represent the error occuring

== Mod Integration ==

- Added UI_CMD's GetFPS() and GetPing()
- Hon now natively supports the "Mod Options" mod framework
- HoN now natively supports the "Movable Frames" mod framework
* Movable Frames now supports spectator mode
* Cleanly integrated Movable Frames with Mod Options, so that the user can customize his movable frames the same way he would customize any other mod
- The Replay Stats Button mod is now built in (Credit to BASH)
* Adds a button to the Local Replays list to view the match stats
- The Enhanced Buff Icons mod is now built in
- The Improved Spectator UI mod is now built in

== Neutrals ==

Skeleton Boss
- Now a ranged unit. Damage re-adjusted
- His castable root now ministuns on impact

Neutral Ogre
- Fixed the ice shield so it doesn't apply when a melee hero casts at someone who has it on

== Items ==

Blood Chalice
- Mana returned from 150 to 100
- Now stops all regeneration effects (bottle/health potion) when used

- Added visual trail to silence state for some anti-juke fun.

Savage Mace
- The proc can no longer propagate to illusions

- Will no longer go on cooldown just from looking at someone, you now have to attack
- Runes of the Blight can now be used and not put the item into cooldown
- Fixed a bug causing them not to reset cooldown when they are picked up or transferred

Sword of the High
- Cost lowered from 3800 to 3400

Tablet of Command
- Added to the "nohelp" list, so you can no longer push allies who do not allow you to
- Now applies a ministun on use to the target if it is an enemy
- The target is no longer silenced or perplexed, and can turn while being pushed

Void Talisman
- Fixed so you cannot activate while magic immune (Can't waste it anymore)

== Heroes ==

Fixed the following playing through fog:
* Magmus Steam Bath
* Wildsoul's Bear Teleport
* Forsaken's Volley
* Blacksmith's Flaming Hammer
* Chronos' Timeleap

- Decreased str gain from 3.1 to 2.7
- Hell on Newerth
* Damage:
* (Lvl 1) 200/300/400 to 175/250/325
* (Lvl 2/3) 350,450,550 to 300/375/450
* Effects:
* (Lvl 2/3) Hell Snare from 6 seconds to 4 seconds
* (Lvl 3) Volatile Minions damage from 150/225/300 to 125/200/275
* When ultimate is in cd you no longer gain charges when enemies cast spells near you, instead you decrease the cd of your ultimate by 1 seconds per spell cast

Blood Hunter
- Clarify Blood Sense's tooltip to show that the aura increases by 1500 range per level
- Feast now leaves a lingering debuff for 1.5s when attacking a hero
* If they die in this time, Blood Hunter still gets healed.

- Removed the 0.1s cooldown when a new charge is available for Rockets

- Curse of Ages no longer works on buildings

- Striders will now be 'turned off' while Decay is activated
- No longer gains strength from killing himself. :(
- His own illusions should no longer steal strength from him when someone dies nearby
- Lower strength gain to 1 per kill
- Ult Decay increase range rebalanced from 50 per charge/level to 30/40/50 per charge/level

Doctor Repulsor
- Starting int from 27 to 25
- Level 1 armor lowered from 5.1 to 4.1
- Magnetic Contraption still happens instantly, just a 400ms backswing. Can anim cancel the backswing like normal
- Attackspeed slow from Electric Frenzy is now -50 instead of -50%
- Tree destruction radius on Ludicrous Speed reduced from 100 to 75
- Can no longer use Ludicrous Speed while immobilized

- Strength gain lowered from 2.3 to 2
- Turret duration from 6s to 5s
* Can only be hit a max of 5 times now (down from 8)
- Fixed a bug with Energy Field that caused units to get owned if they went invulnerable while inside

Flint Beastwood
- Money Shot's will now auto-cancel if the target is greater than 1800/2300/2800 units away from you while you're still channeling
- Crosshair on target should be visible to allies only

Forsaken Archer
- Will no longer spawn skeletons after she dies from a midair arrow

- Enfeeble no longer has charges set to 0 when attacking creeps, only when hitting heroes
- Enfeeble duration incresed from 3s to 4s
- Now steals 1% of anything hit's total damage per charge and gives that damage to gauntlet for the duration of the slow/steal
- Max charges from 50 to 35
- Fixed his glove getting snagged on buildings when he threw it
- The glove throws no longer disable each other

- Tundra Blast slow from 5s static to 3/3.5/4/4.5s

- Reworked
- Ability 1: Torrent
* Kraken conjures a surge of seawater, drowning an enemy. Deals damage, slows, and reduces armor
* Deals 110/160/210/260 Magic damage and applies Torrent to the target for 3 seconds
* Torrent: 30% Movement Slow, -2/-3/-4/-5 Armor
- Ability 2: Tsunami Charge
* Kraken charges with great strength and speed, dragging the first enemy he encounters to sure doom. If Kraken collides with a tree, cliff, or structure, he will stop. If he is dragging someone at that time, they will get stunned.
* Charges 800 units in the targeted direction. Deals 60/90/120/150 Magic damage in a 200 AoE to all enemy units he charges past. On collision with an enemy hero, that hero is picked up and carried along with Kraken. When he hits a cliff, building, or tree he stops charging. If he is carrying an enemy hero, that hero is stunned for 1/1.33/1.66/2 seconds and takes an additional 50/100/150/200 Physical damage.
- Ability 3: Splash
* Kraken releases a devastating slam that splits the seven seas, passively dealing additional splash damage on occasion.
* Deals 30/50/70/90 bonus Magical damage to targets in a 325 radius and an additional 30/50/70/90 Magical damage to targets in a 200 radius. Attacking will reduce cooldown by 1 second.
- Ability 4: Release the Kraken!
* Every seafarer's nightmare is manifest as this hulk of watery flesh! Summons a Whirlpool that damages and pulls in enemies. If they reach the center, they are damaged and stuned by its lashing tentacles.
* After a delay of 1 second a 300 radius whirlpool spawns, dealing 40/50/70 Magic damage per second, slowing by 50%, and pulling units towards the center with a force of 100/125/150. Any enemies who reach the center are dealt 200/300/400 Magic damage and are stunned for 1.5/1.75/2 seconds. Lasts 3/4/5 seconds.

- Steam Bath now disjoints on use
- Fixed a bug causing you to not always go to exactly where you click when using Lava Surge

- Removed the 0.1s cooldown when a new charge is available for Flurry

- Updated tooltips to show he gains slow resistance and reveals the target while charging
- Reveal time after Charge is over lowered from 4s to 2s
- Horned Strike damage increased by 20 across all levels
- Damage from ult +5% at all levels
- When horned strike procs, 15% movespeed for 1.5s
- Charge slow resistance added instead of treewalking
- Fixed a bug with the ult that caused the target to get endless unitwalking

Sand Wraith
- Deserted range check for people being alone lowered from 400 to 300

- Removed the 0.1s cooldown when a new charge is available for Wards

- A 500ms cooldown now starts when using Vanish to avoid double activating it

- Anyone who breaks Mesmerize and is slept themselves now are immune to damage for the first 1s

- Can now turn while ulting

- Base strength from 16 to 18

- Fixed infinite buff bug with Cold Shoulder
- The "push-away" from Avalanche now correctly goes the full distance every time and will not push people who were behind Tundra

- Vindicator Illusions can no longer steal intelligence
- Global Silence is now dispellable

Voodoo Jester
- Fixed the bug causing Acid Cocktail to occasionally split into two
- Sped up Acid Cocktail from 750 to 800 initial and 450 to 600 for the bounce
- Fixed his tooltips to clarify that his casks do no damage to heroes

Witch Slayer
- Can now only cast Power Drain on units with mana

Version 1.0.12
- Fixed invisible heroes and a potential crash
- Fixed a server crash when moving a flying unit

Version 1.0.11
== Report Abusive Behavior ==

- Form fixed
- Griefing category added (please be sure to describe the situation carefully before submitting)

== Hero Resource Unloading ==

- Mainly some memory management optimizations. If you frequently crash after playing multiple games in a row, this should help
- Please report any issues or crashes on the forums

== General ==

- Player Controlled minions are now deniable
- Improved chat server stability
- Fixed an issue where players were able to invite other players to their clan even if the targetted player was already in a clan
- Game lobby now displays more stats about players when you hover over the stats button next to their character portrait
- Fixed an exploit where players could set d_drawAreaAffectors to true, and they could see the effect of Madman's stalk in action while he was invisible. This cvar will only work on practice games or replays from now on
- Fixed drag selection of flying units (Tundra Bird or Courier). Trying to select the bird should no longer cause epic levels of rage.
- Spectators (and players in replays) can now view the shop
- Fixed shop error messages not showing up when shopping from the main shop panel
- Fixed spectator gold/min inaccuracies when players sell items
- Little fix for the tiny icons in spectator mode

== Items ==

Blood Chalice
- Cooldown increased from 25 to 35

== Heroes ==

- Fixed a bug with Spine Burst doing too much damage

- Agi Steal from Curse of Ages removed

- Fixed a bug that made heroes unbind from projectiles well after he hooked them

- Range of Keg lowered from 1000 to 800

- Infoheight changed so the healthbar isn't on her face
- Grace of the Nymph now also increases the target's Movespeed by 25/50/75/100
- Stun range lowered from 1200 to 900
- Speed of the projectile lowered from 1100 to 1000

Sand Wraith
- Fixed first ability to follow correctly

- Glyph of Silence can now silence people in the fog again
* This is a temp bugfix to when someone won't get silenced even if you can see them
* It is possible it will be changed back to vision-limited once the code bug is fixed

Version 1.0.10
== General ==

- Fixed Flint Beastwood's icon to show up in player stats properly
- Fixed the remaining issues related to watching a replay when skipping past the hero loading portion
- Fixed an issue where the "permanent keybind" feature for control groups was not allowing the camera to center when the control group key was double tapped
- Fixed the "Save Channel" button to work properly
- Fixed an issue with the display of player stats, win percent should once again be accurate
- Fixed advanced game mode filter and advanced game options filter on public game interface to correctly save values

== Items ==

- Using storm spirit on an enemy will now block item usage, for example it will disable a homecoming stone from being used
- Using Storm Spirit on an ally will no longer be dispellable

- Striders will now go into cool down when channeling a spell
* They will stay in cool down for the duration of a channeled spell or item, meaning that if a player teleports to a lane with a home coming stone, they will have to wait 3 more seconds to get full speed from striders
- Striders will now remain in cool down while dead
- Striders will not longer be put into cool down as the result of dealing damage over time (DoT) damage on another player
* Casting the spell that deals DoT damage will still put them into cool down, but the lingering DoT will not keep the boots in cool down if the player has otherwise exited combat

- Added more sound effects for spawn and ability usage

== Heroes ==

- Fixed an issue causing spine burst to not always deal its damage

Flint Beastwood
- Fixed base damage from 39-50 to 36-42
- Lowered base armor from 2.94 to 2
- Adjusted Hollowpoint damage from 30/40/50/60 to 20/30/40/50
* Fixed tooltips to show corrrect % chance to proc
- Fixed an issue causing vision to never be lost on a target if Flint used his ult and had his mana drained during the channel time
- Aggro range for Flint Beastwood increases to 850 when Dead Eye is at max level
- can no longer target Mechanical units with Money Shot

Sand Wraith
- Fixed an issue causing his Desert's Curse to not properly track targets when an enemy hero is selected

- Fixed an issue preventing Mesmerize from dealing its damage

Version 1.0.9
== General ==

- Greatly optimized client performance on all systems
- Optimized various interfaces to run more efficiently (9000% more efficient!)
- Fixed an issue causing F6 to re-set the position of the scoreboard
- Fixed various crashes that could occur during gameplay
- Fixed experience popups to off-set from gold popups, such that they do not overlap
- Added a new music track to Caldavar, entitled "Encounter at the River"
- Fixed in game match stats screen to display the correct XP/Min, such that it will not calculate time spent playing after reaching level 25
- Fixed a crash that could occur when exiting the game
- Added hero selection announcements for bubbles, chipper, doctor repulsor, gauntlet, and tundra
- Pre-match time for all game modes changed from 1 minute 15 seconds to 1 minute 30 seconds
- Fixed several interface crashes
- Fixed advanced game mode filter on public game interface to correctly save values.
- Fixed animations getting stuck when rewinding replays
- Fixed rewinding tree deaths in replays
- Fixed projectile orientations
- Fixed attacking buildings and towers without sight of that building or tower
- Fixed duration of deny animation glow

- During modes that use alternating pick (banning draft, banning pick, etc), once a player selects their hero it will instantly switch to the other team (rather than waiting the remaining time)
* Each player now has 40 seconds to select their hero, from 30
* Transition time between banning and picking is now 15 seconds, from 20
* The time after the hero picks has been reduced from 2 minutes to 45 seconds
- Hero selection time in all pick reduced from 2 minutes to 1 minute

== Mac Bug Fixes ==

- Fixed a crash in OS X when a user quits by closing the HoN window
- Limit AA to 4x on OS X client to avoid all white/black screens caused by higher settings

== Items ==

New Item - Striders
- New boots added to the Initiation shop
- Marchers + 300 (Recipe)
- 50 Movespeed. No other bonuses.
- When out of combat for 6 seconds, increases movespeed by 100 over the next 2 seconds, for a total of +150 movement speed (including the base).
- Bonus movespeed is removed when the owner takes damage, casts a spell, attacks, or uses an item.
* Using Non-combat items such as Wards, Bottle, Mana, or Health Potions will not remove the bonus speed

Blood Chalice
- Now requires a Mark of the Novice (+3 int) and Crushing Claws (+3 str) instead of a Scarab, granting +3 Str/Int
- Grants 150 mana for 150 health. Mana is no longer lost after a duration
- If an enemy hero dies within 15 seconds and 700 AOE of the user, the user is healed for 150 as the chalice uses the enemy's spilt blood to pay the debt.
- Cooldown lowered from 35s to 25s

Null Stone
- AOE abilities (such as witch slayer stun / pyromancer wave) no longer proc nullstone when clicking directly on a target

Savage Mace
- Illusions will no longer proc a ministun. They still can get the +100 damage.

- Now only 'stuns' allies, letting them queue up abilities. Enemies it is used on can not queue up abilities or items while cycloned.

== Heroes ==

- Updated many recommended items
- Reworked how many projectile-based abilities interact with eachother
* This fixes strange behavior when two skills that try to move a unit interact, such as a charging kraken getting hooked by devourer who gets tossed by pebbles

Flint Beastwood
- New Hellbourne Agi hero, based on DotA's Sniper
- Skills:
* Explosive Flare - Deals damage in an area immediately, then gives vision over that area and slows/reveals any enemies who come within the vicinity
* Hollowpoint Shells - Gives a chance that an auto-attack will deal bonus damage and apply a mini-stun
* Deadeye - Increases attack range
* Money Shot - Channels for a brief time then fires a massive shot, dealing high damage at a long range to a single target

- Damage from Curse of Ages proc from 20/40/60/80 Magic to 15/30/45/60 Physical

Doctor Repulsor
- Increased vision range on first skill to from 300 to 800
- Fixed an issue with sounds on the first skill where some super human players could hear high frequencies
- Radius of tree killing on ult lowered from 150 to 100
- No longer disarmed while using ult

- Turret is now killable, dies in 3 hits. Units can only get hit a maximum of 8 times, down from 10

Forsaken Archer
- Volley range from awful/awful/decent/800 to 800 at all levels
- Volley immobilize time from 1.75/2/2.25/2.5 to 1/1.5/2/2.5
- Skeletons no longer apply the DoT

- Flagellation will no longer deal double bonus damage to buildings
- The visual effect on Call to Arms now matches the actual area
- Damage taken from Call to Arms is now spread over 5/6/7 seconds instead of instant
- Increased speed of Call to Arms from 650 to 750

- Zeal damage from 55/90/130/160 to 50/85/120/155
- Zeal stun duration from 1/1.3/1.6/2 to 0.75/1/1.25/1.5

- Can now target and affect Magic Immune heroes with all of his abilities

- Poison Spray range from 1000 at all levels to 600/725/850/1000

- Cast time for Soul Burst increased from 1s to 1.4s

- Ranged pet attack cooldown from 1.5s to 1s
- Coldblooded replaced with Cold Shoulder
* 300,400,500,600 Range, 40 Manacost, 12s cooldown
* Last winter, Tundra had two distant relatives teach him how to charge his enemies correctly, coating them in ice on contact. The ice makes them easier to hit, increasing everyone's attack speed against that target.
* On use, charges the target, dealing Tundra's Attack Damage on impact. Applies Cold Shoulder to them for 8 seconds.
* Cold Shoulder Effects: Increases attackspeed against this target by 15/30/45/60
* Attackspeed will linger for 2 seconds after changing targets
* The Brothers of cold send their regards... *

- Silence aura will no longer be disabled by skills like devourer's hook, Chronos' ult, Pebbles' chuck, etc

Version 1.0.8
- Fixed Pause, Remake, and AFK votes
* Remake threshold bumped back to 70%, unless someone has been terminated, in which case it's 50%
- Cleaned up some interface errors

- Cadaver Armor strength gain lowered to 1.5 from 2
- Cadaver Armor Magic Armor back to 1,2,3,4
- tweaks to the tweaks to the ult
* Health gained from the buff is now added to current health pool. For example if devourer is at 100/1000 hp and uses his ult at level 6, he'll increase to 400/1300 hp
* Each charge now lasts 10 seconds. This means that for 8 seconds after using the ult devourer will be at stage 3/max buff, decreasing by 1 stage per second and wearing off completely at 10 seconds
* Damage per charge increased to 15/25/35

Doctor Repulsor
- Fixed Teapots
- Added story
- Added recommended items
- Effects optimizations, fixing FPS lag created by his attacks
- Fix some gadgets showing up on the minimap
- Ludacrious Speed now disjoints properly
* Can no longer use this ability again while it is in flight

- Fix the timing on his Pitfall delay correctly.

- Zeal damage from 70,100,130,160 to 55,90,130,160

- Fix chuck targetting. Nohelp now stops you from being thrown, not being thrown to

- Added recommended items

Version 1.0.7

- Removed general kick vote
- Players who are marked as AFK are no longer auto-kicked, but instead can be vote-kicked via a team-only vote
- Changed AFK detection to include all areas of the map
- Remake time limit extended to 7.5 minutes
- Remake will now pass with a 70% majority vote, 50% if there is a leaver in that time
- Pause vote will now pass with a 70% majority
- Added a green "no help" button to the left of the teammate portraits that will toggle their ability to use certain abilities on your units:
* Andromeda - Void Rip
* Blood Hunter - Blood Crazy
* Nymphora - Teleport
* Glacius - Ice Imprisonment
* Ophelia - Ophelia's Judgement
* Tempest - Elemental
* Succubus - Mesmerize
* Pebbles - Chuck
* Gladiator - Showdown
* Item - Stormspirit
- Updated shop icons to more clearly indicate their categories
- Updated several jukespots on Caldavar
- Added three new music tracks to the ingame music
- Fixed Hellbourne ranged super creeps having the same icon/portrait as Hellbourne melee super creeps
- If a player is Taunted and picks up an illusion rune, those illusions will have the taunted icon play above their heads
- Players attempting to spam game servers with courier sharing messages will now have their sharing messages blocked and subsequent requests they send will be ignored. Waiting a few seconds before sending another share request will eventually remove this block.
- Kongor
* Fixed so wards/gadgets can properly attack him
* Increased the size of the area in which you can attack without missing slightly


- Added /pingall (and /pa) chat commands
* These commands display the ping for other users in the game. This is intended primarily for settling ping disputes in tournament matches. Note that another player's ping does not affect the quality of the game for anyone other than that player
- added "fs_disablemods" console command. When set to true, HoN will ignore custom archives/files (mods) the next time it starts up
* This is for players having difficulty using tournament mode. More support for this will be added in the future.
- Fixed an issue where players could connect to the same game server using the same account. The server will now disconnect the connecting player with an appropriate message if it finds two account_ids that are the same.


- Some updates to the Report a Player interface and functionality
- Fixed a crash relating to when a check for match stats fail
* This mainly fixes the issue some players had of crashing after a game ends, when they go back to the main menu
- Fixed a few other miscellaneous crashes
- "Invite to Clan" requests will no longer notify players in "Invisible Mode" or in "/dnd" mode. If the player is invisible, the player inviting them to a clan will receive a message indicating they are offline. If they are in /dnd mode the player inviting them will receive a message indicating they are in /dnd mode.
- "Add Buddy" requests will no longer work on players in "/dnd" mode. Players inviting them will receive a message indicating they are in /dnd mode.
- Un-checking the Options -> Interface -> Friends -> Request checkbox will now disable the message printed out to chat, in addition to the notification.


- Fixed an issue causing double damage to only last 30 seconds when used. Now lasts the correct 45 seconds

- Recipe from Neophyte's Book + Punch Dagger changed to Neophyte's Book + 2x Punch Dagger
- Recipe cost from 1350 to 1000
- Passive damage bonus from 9 to 18

- Cooldown from 10 secs to 7 secs

Geometer's Bane
- Lower strength from 15 to 10
- Changed total agility to be equal to the sum of its parts, from 30 to 26

Restoration Stone
- Will now refresh Shrunken Head


- New Hellbourne Intelligence Hero: Doctor Repulsor
* Based on Storm Spirit from DotA

- Fire Shield casting range from 400 to 350
- Fire Shield mana cost from 100/105/110/115 to 100/110/120/130
- Cauterize range from 750 to 700

- Strength gain lowered from 1.9 to 1.7
- Hardened Carapace duration reduced from 6s to 3s

- Movement speed from 290 to 295
- Ult will no longer reset to zero after dying with Token of Life

- Flaming Hammer's negative magic armor debuff is now in the tooltip properly
- Projectile speed from 800 to 950

- Base damage from 38-49 to 45-50
- Shell Surf will leave vision behind properly when teleported to that spot
- Increase speed of the shell from 600 to 850
* Will still only go a max of 1800 units, timer updated accordingly

- Cadaver Armor strength gain per hero kill from 0.9/1.2/1.5/1.8 to 2 at all levels
- Cadaver Armor strength gain per non-hero kill removed
- Cadaver Armor Magic Armor from 1/2/3/4 to 0/1.35/2.7/4.0
- Devour slightly reworked. While channeling devourer, 1 charge is added each second, which last 10 seconds. Each charge:
* Increases the size of the devourer
* Increases the radius of Decay by 50
* Adds 15/25/35 attack damage
* Max health increased by 100/150/200

- Increase the projectile speed of the turret's deployment by 50% and remove cast time
- Limit to the number of times someone can be hit by the Turret from 5 to 10
* Max snare of 35% is still achieved at 5 hits, slowing 7% per hit

- Cull cooldown from 10 secs to 11 secs
- Cull radius from 350 to 300
- Stance blocking from 50 damage to 40 damage
- Reflection no longer leaves behind an illusion
- Shadow Cripple now deals the first tick of damage immediately, second at end of 1, third at end of 2 (used to be end of 1, end of 2, end of 3)
- Shadow Cripple still reduces healing by 50% for 3 seconds

Forsaken Archer
- Agility gain from +2.7 to +2.5
- Call of the Damned Skeletons poison from 4/8/12/16 to 6/8/10/12

- Infernal Instability no longer snares
- Infernal Instability no longer applies its buff to ult or second ability
- Infernal Instability on use will give max charges on Enfeeble
- Grapple cast time lowered from 400ms to 200ms
- Grapple projectile speed increased from 1500 to 1600
- Max charges on Enfeeble now scale from 30 to 20/25/30/35
- Duration of Enfeeble slow decreased from 5 seconds to 3 seconds
- Max slow on an enemy by Enfeeble is now 50%
- Gauntlet Blast damage reduced from 300/450/600 to 300/400/500
- Gauntlet Blast range from 600/700/800 to 600 at all levels
- Gauntlet Blast cooldown from 75/65/55 to 80/70/60
- Gauntlet Blast Consumed by Power AoE from 200 to 200/225/250

- Call to Arms now uses the same cast animation as Pitfall
- Removed the backswing time on his abilities
- Lowered the 'trigger time' from 2s to 1.6s on Pitfall
- Showdown now issues a stop command to whoever is teleported back
- Call to Arms now plays no sounds other than at the impact time

Keeper of the Forest
- Camouflage cast range from 300 to 500, cast time halved
- Nature's Protection cooldown from 7 secs to 5 secs, cast time halved

- Terrifying Charge from +40/80/120/MAX to +60/100/140/MAX, charge will last max of 5 seconds
- Movement speed from 290 to 295

- Barrel Roll no longer slows attack speed
- Barrel Roll cooldown increased from 11s to 13s
- Barrel Roll's debuff is now dispellable

- Base strength from 16 to 17
- Strength gain from 1.6 to 1.7

Night Hound
- Added a third variation for the attack animation on the third ability

- Damage from the stun from 25/50/75/100 to 70/100/130/160
- Stun duration increased to 1/1.3/1.6/2

- Lower base armor by 1
- Stampede cooldown from 25 to 30
- Movespeed slow from Might of the Herd (when used) is now static -35/50/65/80 MS as long as they stay around him. Lasts for 4 seconds at all levels from 1/2/3/4. 1 second timeout when moving out of the affector.
- Damage from Horned Strike rescaled from 100 to 40/60/80/100

Soul Reaper
- Strength gain from 2.0 to 1.7
- Withering Presence from 1000 radius flat to 700/800/900/1000

- Speed up the ice spikes from 1.25s lifetime to 1s lifetime
- Bird is now magic immune

- Sage's Lore duration changed from 5/6/7/8 to 7s
- Sage's Lore damage/burn from 20/10,30/15,40/20,50/25 to 14/7,26/13,40/20,57/28.5
- Sage's Lore cooldown from 14 to 15
- Sage's Lore manacost from 75/95/115/135 to 80/100/120/140
- Glyph of Silence AoE from 950 to 800
- Glyph of Silence will no longer silence heroes that Vindicator does not have vision of
- Glyph of Silence int gain from 1 Intelligence to 2 Intelligence per kill
- Glyph of Silence silence duration from 0.75/1.5/2.25/3 to 1/1.75/2.5/3.25

- Gladiator Voice

Version 1.0.6
- Improved pathfinding most noticeable during the laning phase.
- Some effects tweaks to heroes to clean things up
- Some tooltip fixes
- Added note about AudaciousSam's Blood Chalice to the 1.0.5 patch notes

Vulture Lord
- Removed armor aura

- Recipe price from 825 to 1000
- No longer reduces cooldown if hit by a spell while in cooldown

- Damage increased by 2
* This means any item that uses a Steamstaff in some way was increased accordingly

- Fixed Curse of Ages level 2/3/4, it will now properly stun and reset charges
- Curse of Ages now counts "down" in charges rather than up, always stunning when no charges are left

- Fix to make sure when gauntlet activates Infernal Instability while the glove is in midair it works properly after it's return and can still go off

- Ally-freeze through Ice Imprisonment damage reduction from 20/40/60/80 to 20/30/40/50%

- Fixed Showdown so it does not teleport magic immune units
- Fixed Flagellation going on cooldown correctly when you attack gadgets

- Fixed the instant death bug

Version 1.0.5

- Report a player added
* Upper left on the System Bar, ! symbol
* Fill out the form to report another player for inappropriate actions
* False reporters will be punished

- Tons of tool tip updates and fixes
- Fixed a bug allowing Post Haste to teleport to couriers. Post haste can teleport to player owned pets, such as warbeast's wolves
- Gave Vulture Lord's second ability an icon (means the aura no longer displays a black and white checkerboard)
- Stores will no longer remove the 'can buy from me' state if you or a courier goes invulnerable
- Decreased in-game font size slightly
- Added a new message when the courier is killed by a non-hero unit, it will now show a minimap ping along with the appropriate game message indicating which team the courier was killed by

- Fixed an issue where players would add a chat channel to auto connect to upon startup, and then later be unable to remove this channel from their list because they were banned from the channel. Players attempting to join channels they are set to auto connect to and are also banned from will have that channel automatically removed from their list if they attempt to connect to the channel they are banned from
- Pressing the "Alt" key (or whatever key the player has defined as chat_gameLobbyChatToggle) when in the game lobby will no longer toggle the chat type like it used to. It now must be held down and used in conjunction with the enter key, or with the mouse click of the "Send" button
- Fixed a mac/linux crash
- Fixed issue preventing players from selecting a potential hero during the banning phase.
- Disconnected players will no longer random when it becomes their turn to pick, unless they run out of time.
* Disconnected players are not allowed to use "extra time" in BP mode (if it is their turn, and they are disconnected, then they will pick their potential hero or a random hero)
- Fixed an issue in duplicate hero mode where if two players had the same hero "potentially" selected, only one would get it and the other would random
- Misc server optimizations to improve stability
- News is hidden when choosing to follow a player
- The client will no longer display a message indicating the player will get a leave for disconnecting if they are in a replay or a practice game

Invis Rune
- Now has a 2s fade time. Any spell, ability, or item can be used in this fade time without ending the stealth.


- Mana Battery is now in Supplies
- Power Supply is now in both Supplies and Initiation
New Item: Blood Chalice (Initiation)
* On use, grants 150 temporary mana in exchange for 150 health. Mana will disappear slowly if not used. Damage cannot kill.

- Fixed a bug so the debuff cannot be dispelled

- Fixed it so when you have illusion bottled and use it, the illusions still don't have it bottled!
- Double Damage will now correctly last 45 seconds instead of 30 seconds when used out of a bottle

Frostfield Plate
- Can no longer be used by Couriers

Geometer's Bane
- Illusions now gain the 0.1s invulnerability as well

Ground Courier
- Will be attacked by creeps/towers again

Loggers Hatchet
- No longer works on splash damage

- Melee minion abilities moved to slots 3,4 to make it clear which is which
- Puzzlebox Minions will no longer be able to attack towers unless the owner is within 925 units of them

Void Talisman
- Applies -5.5 Magic Armor for the duration

Whispering Helm
- Can no longer be used by Couriers


- New Legion Strength hero, Gladiator, based off DotA's Kunkka
- Updated recommended items for several heroes

- Balphagore's third ability will no longer consume gadgets. Om nom nom.
- Hell on Newerth
* Cast time removed
* Expanding ring now 'sticks' on Balphagore as he moves and expands to max distance 300ms faster

- Shockwave will no longer hit couriers

- When toggled on, Take Cover will now automatically be used if the source of damage is owned by an enemy hero (enemy pets/gadgets will trigger it)

- Fixed an issue causing Frenzy multicast to not apply to the correct number of targets (usually one less than it should)

- Players are now deny-able if they are burning from the Tar + Rocket combo
- Tar Toss duration lowered from 5s to 2/3/4/5 secs

- Rewind heal rate doubled (max 50% per second)
- Curse of Ages
* Buff/Debuff time lowered from 10s to 8.5s
* Bashes every 8/7/6/5 hits
* Deals 20/40/60/80 magic damage on bash hit
* Bash stun from .25/.5/.75/1 to 1s all levels
* Agi steal from 1/1/2/3 to 1/2/2/3 agility per hit against heroes
* Can now build charges between targets for Curse of Ages
* Can now gain charges from denies

- Devour now reveals any target bit for the duration

- Shield is now a self target cast instead of a toggle
* Cast time removed
* Costs 20% of max mana to cast, if mana is less than that, uses all of it
* Mana consumed is applied as the shield for 12s
* Absorbs 50% of damage at the cost of 2/1.66/1.25/0.75 mana consumed per damage taken
* DPS of the shield AOE increased from 12/24/36/48 to 15/30/45/60
* Shield is unremovable

- Turret reworked
* Changed to a vector targeting ability to decide the direction it is facing
* Manacost lowered from 120 to 100
* No longer controllable and only lasts 6 seconds
* No longer gets a copy of Engineer's items
* Lays down suppressive cover fire in a cone shooting 6 times across the cone's 800 range, 400 unit spread, 30 shots total
* Each bullet deals 25/40/55/70 Physical damage and applies a 7% stacking movespeed snare (5s duration) to all targets hit
* Units hit are pushed 25 units away from the turret
* Can only be hit by a max of 5 bullets
- Energy Field
* Will no longer hit couriers
* Duration lowered from 6/9/12 to 6/8/10
* Hits to kill lowered from 5 to 4

Forsaken Archer
- Crippling Volley
* Ministun removed
* Radius lowered from 225 to 200
* Damage done increased from 85/140/195/250 to 85/150/215/280

- Strength growth from 2.2 to 2.0
- Base agility from 21 to 19
- Lowered movement speed from 305 to 300
- Charges from Scythe/Shadow Stance lowered from 2/3/4/5 and 1/2/3/4
- Reflection
* Movespeed while stealthed rebalanced from 10/20/30% to 10/15/20%
* Duration rebalanced from 30/35/40 to 20/35/50

- Undev
- Reworked
- Base STR reduced by 2 (24 to 22) and armor decreased by 0.5
- Infernal Instability
* Applies Infernal Instability to self for 4 seconds. Granting 10/20/30/40 movement speed for the duration
* While Infernal Instability is active, Gauntlet's hand will detonate on the first target that it comes in contact with.
* This includes auto attacks, Grapple, or Gauntlet Blast. This ability can be activated while the glove is in mid flight.
* Upon detonation, deals 120/180/260/320 Magic damage in the radius, pushing back units near the hit target and applying a short minor snare for 1.5s
- Grapple
* Hand goes 800 range
* Can only hit heroes, goes through creeps
* Now only grabs units on the way out, not the way back
* Moves both Gauntlet and the target to where you click, dealing 100/140/180/220 Magic damage to the target and stunning him for 1/1.2/1.4/1.6 seconds
- Cripple renamed to Enfeeble
* 30 Max charges
* 0.8/0.6/0.4/0.2 time between a charge is gained
* On attack, transfers all charges to the target, slowing 1% Move, Attack, and Cast speeds per charge for 5 seconds.
- Gauntlet Blast
* 75/65/55s Cooldown
* 600/700/800 Range
* 100/150/200 Manacost
* Shoots the glove out at the target unit. Any enemies within 200 units of the glove as it flies are stunned for 4 seconds. This stun is broken if they take any damage after 1 second of being stunned.
* When the glove strikes the target, they take 300/450/600 Magic damage and all buffs are purged
* The target hero is stunned and revealed for 1.5 seconds.

- Int gain increased from 1.6 to 1.9
- Terrify
* Cast time removed (0.6 -> 0)
* Now grants vision of the target for the duration of the charge
* Now reveals target for the duration of the charge
* Now grants 40/80/120/MAX movespeed (used to be max at all levels)

- Base strength increased from 17 to 18
- Barrel Roll
* Stun removed
- Barrel Roll manacost lowered from 130 to 110
* Applies a 30/37/44/50% snare for 3.5s
* Damage increased from 100/150/200/250 to 100/160/220/280

- Nymphora's Zeal now deals 25/50/75/100 Magic damage when hitting someone
* Can be hit on both the send and return trip
* No longer grants bonus AS / MS

- Can no longer throw invisible units

Plague Rider
- Extinguish is now a true deny (awards the stat)

- Puppeteer's Hold
* Fixed a rare bug causing Puppet Strings' floating handles to never disappear
* "Snare" effect while under the effect halved from 155 force to 80 force
* Negative Attackspeed removed
* Cast point sped up from 500ms to 300ms

- All Magic damage changed to Physical
- Stampede Reworked
* 9001 Range
* Same mechanic, charges target unit
* Gains 15/20/25/30 Movespeed per second
* Gains Treewalking after 4 seconds
* Does not gain Magic Immunity and no reveal state is placed on enemies
* When Rampage gets within 450 units of his target, he pounces on them almost instantly
* Causes a Stun and Pushback upon impact instead of just a stun
* Movespeed boost retained for 3s after impact
- Might of the Herd Reworked
* No longer has a team aura
* 50 Manacost
* Gives self 4/6/8/10% Movespeed
* Gains 3/6/9/12% of movespeed in attack damage
* On use, stomps the ground every second for 1/2/3/4 seconds, applying Herded (-15 Movespeed) to all enemies in the radius for 5 seconds. This stacks.
- Horned Strike Reworked
* 10/9/8/7 second cooldown
* Still stuns and pushes back the target on attack. 100 Physical damage at all levels
* While in cooldown, one second is subtracted for every 1000 units traveled by Rampage
- Favor of Sol removed
- New Ultimate: The Chains that Bind
* Rampage can use chains he carries around to grab an enemy hero, stunning them and dragging them behind himself for a limited time
* 200 Range
* 175/200/225 Manacost
* 105/90/75 second cooldown
* Binds the target to Rampage for 3/3.5/4 seconds and the target will be dragged behind him as he moves
* Rampage is Disarmed while dragging someone and the dragged target will take 20/30/40% of the distance they are dragged in Physical damage
* If Rampage and the target he is dragging get separated by more than 500 units the chains are broken

- Wards will no longer apply their movement speed slow when they miss

Soul Reaper
- Demonic Execution will no longer be usable on couriers

- Demon Hand now has a better indicator to its actual radius

- Purge should now affect tempest's elementals after they split

- Third ability's damage marked as splash (so it doesn't break succ sleep, gauntlet ult etc)

- Glyph of Silence will properly silence heroes that go invulnerable during casts (Magmus, Madman, etc)

- Illusions will properly copy themselves when he is under the effects of Bear Form

War Beast
- Illusions will properly copy themselves when he is under the effects of Metamorphosis
- Wolf minions will no longer be able to attack towers unless Warbeast is within 925 units of them

- Gust
* Stun Removed
* Damage increased from 75/125/175/250 to 75/150/225/300

Version 1.0.4 (Think of this as a minipatch)

- Tournament mode updated to not allow mods to be used
* Players with mods installed cannot play in tournament mode games, however they can spectate
* Tournament mode games are forced invitation-only games, meaning the host must invite the other players into the match
* Tournament mode will still allow teams to specify who gets first ban so teams can decide between first ban/team pick

- Reworked how health and mana lerps work so they are cleaner overall
- You can now press tab after typing /r to rotate through a list of people who have whispered you recently
- The score screen can now be toggled (default [ key)
- Fixed an extremely rare case where a player could be terminated after the game ended (counting as a leave)
- Fixed an issue causing gold/min and exp/min stats to become inaccurate when game was paused
- Fixed an issue causing gold/min and exp/min to become inaccurate when a player disconnected/reconnected
- Removed an unnecessary option from options menu
- Gold lerping removed
- Fix to a bug that allowed people to pick a hero during a banning phase or in an all-random game

Darkwood Vale

- Moved outside tier 1 neutral camps to where the outposts were
- Moved outposts to where the tier 1 outside neutral camps were
- Building health increased to be -20% of normal, from -25% of normal

- Fixed Time Lock not applying to enemies

- Cleansing Shock can now be cast on self via double-activate
© HoN - [LUST]KRNA 2010